Scalp psoriasis is the most common form of the disease. It does not endanger health, but spoils the patient's appearance and becomes the cause of mental complexes. Treatment for psoriasis of the scalp begins with finding out the causes of the disease and getting rid of it.
Psoriasis is treated in a complex with drugs, physiotherapy and spa treatments. Therapy with folk remedies is effectively supplemented.

Drug therapy
Medical treatment includes general and local therapy. Treat psoriasis at home.
General treatment is carried out:
- Sedatives (infusion of feverfew and valerian);
- Antihistamines;
- hyposensitizers;
- Antibiotics;
- Immunomodulators;
- non-specific immunotherapeutic agents (aloe, ATP);
- aromatic retinoids;
- Glucocorticosteroids;
- Cytostatics;
- biological medicines;
- calcified autologous blood;
- Hemodesis solution (drip given);
- Diuretics;
- Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
- Sedatives;
- pyrogenic therapy;
- Antidepressants;
- Psychotropic drugs;
- Tonics (vitamin complexes).
Diuretics can cure the exudative form of diathesis, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can treat psoriatic arthritis. With a lengthy process, pyrotherapy can be prescribed.
Antihistamines and sedatives can help relieve itching and anxiety in the scalp. In severe cases, sedatives are prescribed.
Corticosteroids and cytostatics treat the disease when the disease is severe and symptoms are too severe. However, one should be very careful when taking medication, as it can worsen the course of psoriasis. Antibiotics are only prescribed when psoriasis is complicated by an infection of the scalp.
Psychiatric drugs cannot cure psoriasis, but they do eliminate anxiety, relieve depression, increase stress resistance, normalize sleep, and reduce itching. Vitamin complexes help improve metabolism.
Unfortunately, psoriasis cannot be completely cured. However, it is possible to significantly improve the patient's condition, slow down the inflammatory processes and move the disease to the stage of remission.

Local treatment
Of local drugs for the treatment of psoriasis of the head are used:
- keratolytic ointments (salicylic, sulfur, sulfur-salicylic, mercury-salicylic, naphthalone, sulfur tar, tar, ichthyol, resorcinol);
- Glucocorticoid ointments;
- Lotions with vitamin D3;
- Lotions with dithranol;
- Shampoos;
- Tar soap.
The composition of ointments for the treatment of psoriasis includes tar, zinc, naphthalene, valicill. Ultraviolet radiation will help increase its effectiveness.
Non-hormonal ointments are used to treat the early stages of psoriasis. Glucocorticoid ointments treat the disease only when it is severe and other drugs do not give results. These drugs are very effective. They are able to quickly get rid of the inflammatory process. But hormonal ointments lower the immunity of the skin, and after they are lifted, the rashes reappear.
Shampoos alone are not able to fight psoriasis. But as part of complex therapy, they have an effective effect: they reduce inflammation, relieve itching.
You can treat psoriasis at home with 3 types of shampoos:
- Tar;
- containing ketoconazole;
- for children.
Medicated shampoos contain tar, sulfur, zinc pyrithione, and salicylic acid. Sulfur inhibits inflammation and salicylic acid restores the stratum corneum of the epidermis. Thanks to zinc pyrithione, medicinal active ingredients remain on the scalp even after shampooing. It is recommended to use shampoos twice a week for 2-3 months. It is advisable to apply the shampoo to the hair twice and leave it on for 5 minutes.
physical therapy
An excellent result in the treatment of psoriasis on the head is achieved through the use of physiotherapeutic procedures:
- Hydrotherapy;
- Hirudotherapy;
- Cryotherapy;
- Acupuncture;
- Herbal medicine;
- UV radiation;
- Irradiation with an erbium laser;
- PUVA therapy;
- Hemosorption;
- Plasmapheresis;
- Paraffin applications;
- Vacuum therapy;
- Acupressure.
Spa treatment
Treatment of psoriasis of the scalp is carried out in sanatoriums.
Patients are prescribed:
- Climatic therapy;
- Hydrogen sulfide, sulfite and radon baths;
- Mud therapy;
- Heliotherapy;
- Thermal springs.

Treating psoriasis with traditional medicine
Alternative methods are effective in the treatment of psoriasis on the head if they are used in addition to drug treatment. Lotions with celandine, aloe and celery, hair conditioner with burdock broth, amaranth, string, chamomile, thuja, white willow, juniper berries, blackberry leaves, lovage roots, tinctures of Japanese sophora, barley or celery seeds, sea buckthorn and viburnum, as well as treatment of the scalp with birch tar and-fat.
But before starting the treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies, it is necessary to consult your doctor.
Oil compress
Treatment of psoriasis of the scalp with folk remedies usually involves the use of oil compresses. Stir in equal parts of peanut and olive oil. The mixture is heated and the affected areas of the scalp are rubbed with massaging movements. Isolate with a shower cap. Let it rest until morning. Remove with apple cider vinegar, listerine or glycotimoline (dissolve 60 milliliters of the product in 500 milliliters of water).
Onion compress
Most often, psoriasis of the scalp is treated with folk remedies with onions. Chop the onion with a fine grater and apply to wet hair and rub into the scalp. Isolate with a plastic bag. After 15-20 minutes, the head is washed with tar soap. During the onion treatment, you need to refrain from using shampoo.
Celandine in the fight against psoriasis
Celandine helps cure psoriasis at home.
To prepare the infusion, dry celandine (60 grams) is poured with medicinal alcohol (500 milliliters) and allowed to steep for several hours. Then the areas of the scalp affected by psoriasis are gently lubricated.
The infusion is highly effective, but it can irritate the scalp. If there are unpleasant sensations, the head is washed and rinsed with chamomile infusion.
Sunflower basket tincture
For the treatment of psoriasis with folk remedies, sunflower baskets are often used. Baskets (2 pieces) are finely chopped, poured with white wine (100 milliliters) and left for 2 days. Then the juice is squeezed out and used as a compress.
The tincture is recommended for use on infectious lesions of the scalp. It is able to inhibit the further multiplication of bacteria.
Homemade ointments
Solid oil ointment will be more effective in treating the disease when herbs are added to it. It is combined with tincture of Eleutherococcus, celandine or western thuja in a ratio of 5: 1.
Homemade ointments are as effective as those that are bought. They will help you fight psoriasis on the scalp quickly.
There are several recipes for making ointments using folk methods:
- Solid oil or petroleum jelly (300 grams) is mixed with egg white (2 pieces), lime honey (20 grams) and crushed celandine (20 grams).
- Rosehip branches are dried and burned. Ash is mixed with petroleum jelly in equal proportions. The psoriatic plaques will disappear from the skin within a week.
- A raw egg is placed in a 200-gram glass and covered with vinegar essence. The jar is closed with a lid and left for a day. Then the egg with the shell is thoroughly ground and mixed with unsalted pork fat (20 grams). The ointment is used to treat the affected areas of the scalp, avoiding healthy areas (burns will appear on them under the influence of the ointment). After an hour, the remnants of the ointment are wiped off with a cloth and the plaques are smeared with baby cream. After several treatments, the psoriatic plaques will be flaky from the skin.
- Eucalyptus oil (30 grams), freshly squeezed Kalanchoe juice (10 milliliters) and honey (10 grams) are mixed together.
- Blue clay is diluted with water to form a thick sour cream and combined with sea salt. Used to lubricate the affected skin.
- Pharmacy birch tar (50 grams) is thoroughly mixed with crushed ascorutin tablets (50 pieces).
Homemade shampoo
Honey (20 grams) is mixed with egg white and baby shampoo. Apply to the affected area of hair for 15 minutes.
Internal usage charges
Internal decoctions and infusions prepared at home are effective in the treatment of scalp psoriasis:
- Elderflower (20 grams) are brewed with boiling water (450 milliliters) and let infuse for 1. 5 hours. Drink 120 milliliters one hour after eating.
- The roots of alant and calamus, black elderflower, lingonberry leaves, horsetail, St. John's wort and celandine are combined in equal parts. The resulting mixture (10 grams) is poured with boiling water (250 ml). Consume 120 milliliters.
Folk remedies effectively treat psoriasis.
Diet for psoriasis
Diet is also important in treating scalp psoriasis.
In order to cure psoriasis successfully, you should avoid fried, smoked, spicy and spicy foods, spices, preservation and limit the consumption of sugar, carbohydrates and fats. At the same time, it is necessary to increase the content of vegetable and dairy products in the diet.
Flaxseed oil (20 milliliters), fish oil (12 milliliters), or vitamin A (the dosage should be specified by the doctor) will help cure the disease.